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Scholarship Program

A common concern for pregnant and parenting moms is how they’ll continue their education. You may heard from family or friends that being a mother will prevent you from accomplishing your goals.

Even if their intentions are good, your loved ones’ words are often fear-based. They may wonder how you could graduate from college or pursue a successful career if you have a child. We’re here to remind you that you are more capable than you realize.

Thanks to generous donors of Gabriel Network, we can provide assistance in pursuit of your educational dreams while raising a child.

What the Scholarship Offers

Open only to current Gabriel Network clients, the scholarship provides funds of up to $2,000 per year to women who wish to continue their education. This includes pursuing higher education or other vocational training.

Whether you want to study at a university or work towards furthering your career, the educational scholarships are meant to make that more accessible.

To some, raising a child can make it seem like you need to put your dreams on hold. However, being a parent can give you additional reasons to accomplish your goals.

You can be a role model for your child and prove to them that anything is possible. We’re here to help you find the tools you need to further your education, pursue a career, and recognize the empowerment that comes with motherhood.

How Do I Apply?

We welcome applications from moms who are part of Gabriel Network! Each application is reviewed by our scholarship committee on a rolling basis as they are received.

A decision on each application will be made within 4-6 weeks.  

For more information, please download the application. Completed applications should be sent to

If you have other questions about Gabriel Network and how we can help you meet your educational needs, please call or text our helpline at 301-637-3223.